Natural Hair Story: Yonnea

Natural Hair Story: Yonnea

Published on Dec 30th 2009

Meet Yonnea, A natural hair youtuber who shares her love for her hair and knowledge of it on youtube

How long have you been natural and when did you BC?

    I’ve been natural since February 2007 but I stopped getting relaxers September 2006. I didn’t consider myself natural until I did my BC.  In my opinion, I do not consider it to be natural when you have straight relaxed ends, you’re either transitioning or considered to be stretching out your relaxer.

What are your staple products and hairstyles?

    I have two favorite staple products because they go hand in hand. My first favorite product that I use daily is my leave in conditioner.  I made it myself, it’s called Yonnea’s “Honey Habiscus Leave-In-Condish”, it makes my hair feel really nice and soft.  My second favorite product is my “Organic Herbal Seal and Shine” spray, this oil really helps my hair to keep in its moisture.

    My staple hairstyle really depends on the season.  In the winter I braid my hair in two French braids, one on each side of head and tuck the ends underneath the braids.  If I have somewhere special to go in the winter I will sport a braid out.  In the summer  I wear a wash and go along with braid outs and inch braids. The inch braids are when I braid only two inches of small single braids and wet my ends to make them curl up.  I love this hairstyle because I can wear it for about three week or more before taking them out.  You can also do the inch braids as a wash and go.  This will eliminate the problem with shrinkage. I will make a “How To” video on inch braids and maintenance on my YouTube channel in the near future.

What are your natural hair goals?

    My natural hair goal is to keep my hair consistently strong, moisturized, and healthy.  I accomplish my goals day by day.  Taking care of my hair is only one of my routines out of many. I like having a life so I don’t’ like to obsess too much over my hair. I do this by giving my hair what it needs, keep everything balanced and keep it moving.

How do you keep your hair intact overnight?

    I spray in my leave in condish, seal in the moisture, braid into four sections, place a satin scarf or satin bonnet on my head and sleep with a satin pillowcase.

How do you maintain length?

    I think what helps my hair to maintain length is having the proper protein to moisture treatment ratio.  This can be very tricky because you do have to pay close attention to what your hair is telling. Most people go by a set schedule, I go by what my hair tells me.  Ayurvedic treatments and bentonite clay are my favorite treatments. I also enjoy using henna and indigo to color my hair.  I’ve also realized the day that I cut out using cones was the day I had more moisture and less split ends, breakage, and single strand knots.

Name one reason you went natural and why you love being natural?

    I went natural because of my daughter, Taylor.  Every time I did her hair I would sit there and wish I had hair like hers which was soft, natural, and chemically free.  To me Natural Hair is fresh.  So I decided to stop getting relaxers and go on this Beautiful Natural Hair Journey.  I love having a wonderful relationship with my hair and I can tell it is loving me back, lol.

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