All- Natural Recipes For Your Skin

All- Natural Recipes For Your Skin

Published on Feb 4th 2010

Since going natural, it has made me take a step back and look at everything i use, not just my hair. So i started to look around for a way to get rid of my dry skin and now i no longer use or buy lotion, the only thing I buy is my under eye pads!

I make my own exfoliating scrubs, facial mask, and lighten cream.

Exfoliating scrub:

  • Sugar
  • Olive oil

*It doesn’t matter how much sugar you put but it does matter how my olive oil you put. If you put to much, the sugar will disintegrate. Put enough olive oil so that the sugar will soak it up. I never measure, i just know when, go figure.*

Use this one your legs, face, feet, arms, back, ANYWHERE! I promise you, you will never buy another body scrub again!


  • Shea Butter
  • Olive Oil
  • Glycerin
  • Vitamin E Oil

*This is by far the best thing i have ever used on my dry skin. Only use about a 2 TBSP of glycerin because that stuff can get grease. Everything else, i don’t measure.

Let the shea butter be the base of it all. Have more shea butter in this mixture more than anything.*

My dry skin is clearing up so fast using the products from  And my stretch marks used to look like somebody continuously stabbed me in the side…they are on the way outta here! Sozo Clinic offers a personalized consultation to identify a patient’s skin or hair loss problems. In the present day, the concept of beauty has attained a whole new dimension. The main essence of beauty, that is dermis or skin, is now considered a very important aspect of our social lives. There is lots of emphasis in the society to have a clear, smooth and glowing skin. With this increased emphasis, the number of skin treatments in the market has also shot up. Countless treatments have also evolved as a result of this manic obsession with beautiful skin. And although most of the treatments assure spot-less skin within weeks, very few treatments deliver immediate results. Sometimes, even though the quality of treatment is reasonably good, it doesn’t yield desired results because of unsuitability of skin. There are also certain other properties – which when not correctly corresponded, can diminish the impact of even the most trusted of treatments.

Acne sucks.  Period.  We can’t think of a single beneficial aspect of the stupid thing.  It ruins prom pictures, makes inherently self-conscious teens more self-conscious, and causes your co-workers stare you chin as if Charlie Sheen we’re doing a drug-induced rain dance on it.  As such, it’s time we make it go away.

Now about that.  American capitalism loves acne.  You can’t get through an episode of The Bachelorette without a Clearasil commercial proffering a one-cream cure, and honestly, the only products that work for me are the ones from   If you walk the Health & Beauty section at Target, you’ll find an entire aisle dedicated to acne treatment.  They’ve designed fancy motorized scrubby brushes, magic creams, and multi-step tonics to treat it.  I’ll let you in on a little secret: you don’t need any of that stuff.  A $80 bottle of crème de Provence is no better at treating acne than a generic bottle of 10% benzoyl peroxide.  In fact, the French “crème” is probably making your acne worse.  Don’t believe us?  A little walk through the underlying cause of acne may turn you into a believer.

You can also take this up a notch if you have EXTREMELY dry skin by applying this to your skin and then turning on the humidifier while you sleep at night. Glycerin is a humectant so it will take all the moisture from the air and put it into your skin.

Facial Mask

  • Oatmeal
  • Olive Oil
  • Honey
  • 1 Egg white
  • Lemon

* Make the oatmeal the base of this mixture. ONLY add the egg white. Leave on for about 15 min – 25 min.*

Acne?? What acne! I don’t get that or know what it is. If you have a bad breakout, use this every night or every other night and i promise your skin will clear up like nothing ever happened.

If you make too much, whatever you use, keep it refrigerated.

Lighten Cream

  • Lemon
  • 1 tsp Glycerin

* Blend the entire lemon. Of course cut it up first but the reason i say this is because there is more acidity in the lemon’s skin which make it a better brightener than just the juice alone.*

I did this 4x a week on my dark circles under my eyes. I just applied it there before i went to bed at night and washed it off the next morning. My dark circles have improved so much. I kinda strayed from it (lazyness) but i will be going back. Keep this refrigerated.

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